New Yoga Classes in 2022 - Warning!
Yoga can cause good health & happiness!
“Yoga is the Journey of the Self, thru the Self, to the Self” Bhagavad Gita
Greta Hurst, CYT 773-972-1786
Classes taught at Tabula Rasa Gallery 8918 First St., Baroda, MI 49101 (unless otherwise stated)
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Benefits of Yoga:
Learn healthy breathing, release stress and tension, improve range
of motion, greatly increase flexibility & strength, get centered,
be calmer
and more present, and age more gracefully.
Regular classes are $15 per 75 minute session; Walk Ins Always Welcome!
Topics being considered for classes, workshops and POP UPs: No Experience Necessary
SantoshaYOGA For Life
Effective 7/11/22 we are on hiatus for a
Summer sabatical. Private classes available.
Re-start date for classes below to be
announced in the Fall.
Hatha Style Gentle Yoga Flow Class
Taught by Greta Hurst CYT
♥Mondays 9:00-10:15am EST
♥Wednesdays 6:00-07:15am EST
Hatha Style Gentle Yoga Flow Class
Class begins with breathing exercise to center our minds then continues with gentle stretching to elongate our muscles and connective tissue. We will use some props to better experience the full breath of the asanas.
Watch for warm weather outdoor POP-UPS coming soon.
$15 fee - Walk – Ins Welcome!
Private classes & Gift Cert. available
Classes taught at Tabula Rasa Gallery
8918 First St., Baroda, MI 49101
“The light in me honors the light in you”